Sunday, November 07, 2010

Sorry for Being M-I-A!

First of all, if you are a follower of the Living Room blog, I want to apologise for being missing in action for a while. A few people have asked me how come we haven't been blogging lately, and although I feel terribly guilty about it, I smile inside because it means there are people reading our blog! *beams*

Wow. So much has happened in The Living Room! Where do I begin?

First of all, as you all know, Stanley has left us. He is now with the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), helming the New Media department there. So yes, he is still generating content, but as a new media journalist. We have pretty much switched roles in that respect, as I used to be the print journalist & Deputy Editor! *LOL*

Stan and I are still very much "in tune", I have to tell you! *LOL* Despite the (physical) distance between us, we are still scheduling pretty much the same interviews and approaching the same people to feature. Such is the connection I have with my buddy! *beams*

But joining me in The Living Room now is a good friend nonetheless, and my "new buddy" if you will. You would have heard him previous on Body & Soul (938LIVE, 3pm-5pm).

That's right, he's the very swave, man-with-the-voice-of-God, and the very bald, JOEL CHUA!!!

It's been good so far, and Joel has settled down very well as the new host of The Living Room. You can get to know us better on our brand new Facebook page. And that is another reason we've been MIA -- we are building up our little community there.

I guess Facebook is just so much faster & immediate, especially with Joel & I owning iPhones. We just snap pics of our guests on our iPhones and it's immediate uploads... with weblinks for listeners! How do you beat that, right?

So, if you are not yet a follower of our Facebook page, please go to Facebook now and search "938LIVE The Living Room" and join us there! For a direct link (oh, you lazy ones!), click here.

Our Living Room blog is still ALIVE, so don't disappear. We'll be trying to get more active here now that our Facebook page is up. Thanks for your support, guys!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update and good to see you blogging again! Was wondering why the silence. :) Now I know. Cheers!