They assist in strengthening your muscles, work those liagments and ensure your joints don't stiffen at rehab. They help you regain your motor skills again. They are physiotherapists. And there's even something more special about them when they impart their knowledge and skills to skill-starved counterparts in developing nations like Cambodia.

Last week in Phnom Penh at the Technical School for Medical Care, I watched Tan Bee Yee (Senior Principal Therapist from the SGH Department of Physiotherapy) and her colleague Ng Yee Ling conduct a training class for seventeen Cambodian physiotherapists. They were part of a team of 12 volunteers sent there for the project under the
Singapore International Foundation. This year marked the completion of the second cycle of a full year's training.
The trainees successfully completed the year-long training programme last weekend, graduating with an Advanced Certificarte in Physiotherapy Practice awarded by the
Singapore General Hospital Postgraduate Allied Health Institute (SGH-PGAHI)

Dr Celia Tan who's Director of SGH-PGAHI and Team Leader is proud that her staff have in a small way contributed to the development of the physiotherapists there. She was also beaming when asked how much improvement she's seen in the way the Cambodian trainees
(right) are treated their patients at their places of work in NGOs and hospitals there. It's not often I got a chance to speak to people who help people fix people!
Moving on to a 'live' conversation I had on the show today, those guests have surely left my ears ringing hours after I met them. The founder of the
Ministry of Bellz, Damien Lim together with 5 ringers came armed with their English handbells and performed two pieces live in the studio. Here's a shot of them at the end of their session.
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