Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm Racin' A Boeing Jetplane...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
'Live' Updates from Border X's Via Ferrata Wall
Friday, August 28, 2009
Xtreme Xperience!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Hokkien on 938live... Courtesy of Irene Ang!
We were actually both a little apprehensive. "Can ah?" she asks, a little tentatively. To be honest, I wasn't sure! *LOL* But hey, what the heck! For Irene Ang, we will make an exception! [Note: I haven't been called to my boss' office, so I think we're OK!]
Anyway, I believe in 2nd chances. So here's a trailer of her upcoming production, The Extraordinary V Conference. Irene resumes her hugely popular role as Guan Yin Ma, where she spews her native dialect.
I love this woman! She's engaging to talk to, amazing in the way she juggles so many things & still walks around with a smile. And also, she's just someone who's game for anything!

Lookin' Good: A caffeine-infused Irene Ang in The Living Room.
I've watched Irene for years on Phua Chu Kang, read about her establishing FLY Entertainment (which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year!), and just been amazed at how she is always "up to something".
She has never fallen off our radar all these years - a local Hokkien version of Madonna if you like.
And of course, I must add I'm so envious of how slim & toned she looks these days... Wah piang, if Irene can do it, I oso can lor!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Mother of All Trail Races
Despite the North Face Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMC) being only a 166-kilometre trail, it's not a stroll in the park. Based on last year's footrace, only 53% of runners who were at the starting line completed the race. The feat is neither for the faint-hearted nor flat-footed. Runners have to carefully navigate a variety of off-road terrain, some rough, narrow and jagged, some icy smooth, damp and moss-encroached. The entire race would require runners to ascend a cumulative height of 9,400 metres and complete it in under 46 hours. That means goodbye to sleep, hot meals and a glass of warm milk before bedtime. Temperatures in the day can be pleasant but it can dip to minus 10 degress Celsius in icy conditions as the racers plough through the mountainous Mont Blanc range that eats into France, Switzerland and Italy.

Bukit Timah Hill has been their training ground, where they run up and down the hill. They've been training for what's ahead, but to give you a clearer idea of the demands of the adventure to come, it is equivalent to ascending Singapore's tallest hill 94 times!
Despite the training and determination on the faces of both men, Bernard has you know that there is a real fear of muscle cramps setting in and his legs giving up. But they will find consolation and encouragement in each other. It will be a very quiet race, Bernard reveals, but the cheering and bidding to push ahead will come from "the physical presence of your friends just beside you".
How reassuring the ties that bind and bid you towards the finishing line.
Bernard, Kah Shin & Steven, we're backing you on your adventure. Go forth and conquer the trail...and don't forget to take some wonderful photos between the starting point and the finish!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Travel Green!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Event: Border X's Via Ferrata!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
How Do You Start A Chain Reaction?
"Recently, we had the privilege of meeting President Hota who shared with us the needs and the progress of his nation, along with the hopes he has for it. With President Hota's blessings, TCRP will be working alongside his office on a project to build homes and sources of water supply for the nation's poorest," the girls tell us.
And who are they? Zhang Tingjun (if she looks familiar, she represented Singapore in netball!), Jasmine Wong, Alexandra Toh & Anina Boshoff. They are such a chatty, spontaneous & engaging bunch, and the one hour we had with them just flew by!
The girls are pleasantly surprised by the amount of support they're receiving from individuals & companies who have jumped on the bandwagon to sponsor them stuff from camping tents, nutrition bars to airline tickets!
"It's really a chain reaction happening," Tingjun remarks. "Everyday we see the number of fans on our Facebook page increasing, people approaching us to sponsor stuff, media support... it's amazing."
In the Footsteps of Stamford Raffles
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
An Overseer of Residents, Patients & Family
When asked which group of people would be the toughest to meet the expecations of, this was his answer, "It is intuitive for people to think that being an MP is tougher, but if you ask me, being a father is tougher. The direct responsibility, one-to-one, and all parents want the best for their children. The best gift a parent can give to the child is memories (of) when they are young".
The former medical officer in the navy who counts gardening among his hobbies is the CEO of Eagle Eye Centre. Seeing how dentists are always expected to have a good set of teeth, we asked if his vision were as sharp as an eagle's. To this, he confessed that while in primary school, he adored his classmates who wore glasses because "they looked so studious and smart". He added that he even tried to cheat at an eye test by mis-reading some of the letters and numbers. Looks like this MP was once a cheeky little boy, but Dr Lim puts it down to good genes. No contact lenses and no Lasik for Dr Lim! Those genes somehow were never inherited by his three children who all wear glasses. With a teasing look, he says his wife has something to do with it.
All policies, just like medicine, will have side effects. Even the best medicine will have some side effects. The big question is - How do you deal with these side effects and can you predict these side effects in advance so that you can help this group of people? For all bils and policies that are forumalted, as far as I'm concerned, they have to pass what I call 'three tests'.
Number 1 - Does it benefit the majority?
Number 2 - What does the policy mean to my children? How dies it affect their future? Some policies are very short-term; it sounds good at this point but in time, it may be adversely affecting my children.
Number 3 - Who are the one that are affected and what are the mitigating factors? What measures are you introducing to lessen the pain? If the medicine is bitter, how do you sweeten it?
Friday, August 07, 2009
A Milestone for Human Rights Here

Tuesday, August 04, 2009
We're Modern Day Lumberjacks

I know, sometimes Ignorance is Bliss. But seriously, are we really ignorant? Do we really want to pretend the problem is not there when it's our environment we're talking about?
i.Saw is the brainchild of advertising firm BBH Asia Pacific, and we had the pleasure of chatting with its digital creative directors, Shawn Loo and Noel Yeo in The Living Room today to find out about the inspiration behind this environmental campaign.
Well, if you'd like to download that chainsaw sound, click here. Spread the word!