The situation in Haiti is devastating. I was googling some images, reading scattered updates from eye witnesses & foreign correspondents, and checking out vids on YouTube, and it leaves me with a heavy heart.
The death toll from the Jan 12 earthquake is estimated to be between 100,000 and 200,000. Not to mention the many who survive but are dying slowly in makeshift hospitals all around its capital Port-au-Prince.
Sure, Haiti is far far away from sunny Singapore. And we are probably quite comfortable going on with our lives with just a vague knowledge of the plight of the people there. But if you were to put yourself in their shoes... seeing your partner, child, friend, lying there slowly dying... how would you feel?
That's why I want to blog about this charity concert in aid of the victims of the Haiti, because in some small way, I feel like I can make a difference. And I trust that you will too, when you respond by supporting them.
Organised by Cafe Diplo, this concert titled Haiti Haiti aims to raise $50,000 -- through public & corporate donations -- for World Vision's Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund.
We had the Founder & Director of local peacebuilding organisaton Cafe Diplo, Jonathan How, come in to share with us what compelled him to put up this concert. What really touched me was when he read excerpts of eye witness reports from World Vision on air. I was frozen in my swivel chair, holding my breath.
Veteran singers Robert Fernando, Cat Ong and Cafe Diplo's Jonathan How tell us about a charity concert for Haiti earthquake victims.
The bottom line for this blog entry is please support them. You can go down to their concert next weekend or donate via their website. I'll provide you info for both:
Haiti Haiti
(Emergency Charity Concert)
Sat, 30 Jan
8pm - 10pm
City Square Mall (Main Atrium)
FREE Admission
For more info, or to make a donation, click HERE.
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