Correct me if I'm wrong. But I do remember a time when there were NO JOGGERS on the roads. When I was a kid, I think I'd be very curious if I saw someone running "for no reason", except to catch an SBS bus.
But these days, GOSH. I can't walk down any street in Singapore (not even Orchard Road or Clark Quay!), at any time of day, without bumping into someone jogging... or cycling.

The sports culture here has blossomed, and it seems there are more people who are keeping fit than there are couch potatoes.... like me! (no wonder I host The Living Room!)
On the record, this is the 3rd year I'm making a New Year's resolution to start running again, and Feb is already almost gone. And where am I? Still here blogging... on the couch! :(
But we are not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about my guest in The Living Room yesterday. Yes, he came in yesterday, but I didn't want to blog about him after the Barista Competition entry lest he gets lost in the coffee grind! *LOL* So he gets a whole blog entry to himself! *grin*

I actually bumped into Jin Teik when a mutual friend of ours, Jeremy Lim, brought the coaches of Barcelona FC down to Singapore for a week-long soccer clinic. Jin Teik's 2 younger sons were attending it, and my 2 boys as well. We were introduced informally at the gravel carpark of the football field at Dempsey!
But it was only when I went through Jin Teik's bio that I realised what a "celebrity" he is! He'll probably smack the back of my head for saying that, but this ex-ACS boy is a national swimmer who was voted Sportsboy of the Year in 1980, and even represented Singapore in the 1984 Olympics Games in Los Angeles!
And who would have guessed that this avid sportsman was also 2nd violinist with the Singapore Philharmonic Orchestra?! :0 He seemed a little bashful when I brought it up, but it just shows what a well-rounded individual he is. Who would've guessed, seriously? It's like Troy in High School Musical! *LOL*
I totally enjoyed chatting with Oon Jin Teik, CEO of the Singapore Sports Council!
There were many things Jin Teik said that hit home because he's just very down-to-earth. One thing that struck me was his philosophy in life. It's something my late Grandpa used to tell me too as a little girl growing up: Don't do things to others that you don't want others to do to you.
I love that. So true. And he also mentioned being open to learn. From everyone. And for a man who helms a large government agency, it's a very humblething to say. He reminded me about the importance of openness & humility in my interactions with people -- no matter what rank I hold in society.
This is why I've dedicated an entire blog entry to Oon Jin Teik. I'm glad I bumped into him at that gravel carpark at Dempsey as we were both dropping our kids off at soccer training! *LOL* You never know when a beautiful conversation can result from a chance meeting.
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