Regeneration is important. As a recent guest on the show shared, fire is crucial in helping certain plant species germinate, hence changes are critical for survival, growth and development.
To me, The Living Room's never been about the host. Since being thrust to host the programme in 2002, I'd always wanted for the show to benefit the listener. Listeners were and continue to be THE stakeholders and they deserve the best in being kept informed, entertained and engaged - nothing more nothing less.
The Living Room's stood the test of time (and station rebranding) because of the value that's inherent in the conversations she hosts. It is within her that guests are made to feel like this was their own living room, and unless and until they felt that way, they weren't going to speak candidly and let their guard down like they have.
I've been asked who's been the most memorable or significant guest I've spoken with on the show, and as hard as I try, everyone has held his or her own. Not everyone's been easy to talk to, but the consolation is that everyone has a story to tell...even you. Yes you reading this blog entry. The Living Room has been where titles and trophies are set aside and humanity prevails - the unifying factor for host, guest and listener.
I'll miss the adrenalin rush of turning on the mike at 10.10am on weekdays and saying "Good morning!". I'll miss the interaction with those in public relations and corporate communications in arranging for interviews. I will miss connecting with our listeners and identifying with you on so many levels, your questions and concerns.
I will miss 'Pamster' (my nickname for dear Pamela). Since she began co-hosting with me, Pam's called me 'buddy' - a label I find difficult reciprocating because I find it inappropriate to call a lady 'buddy' although she probably can refer to a male colleague that way. But she truly has been a fabulous friend and....okay 'buddy'. Pam's so easy to excite and so personable to befriend that I ought to make it known that she's been a blessing to work with. It was Pam whose sharing of her own life experiences on air unlocked more of me to reveal more of the person I am.
How quickly the sands of time have emptied itself into the lower half of the hour glass. Change is eminent, though in all irony, change is the only constant.
'The Living Room' will always be a very special season for me. I hope it has been for you. Thanks for tuning in and it's been a joy, privilege and pleasure producing and hosting the programme these many years.
Returning to the plant analogy, taking root with Pam in The Living Room from 4th October will be Joel Chua from 938LIVE's only other weekday talkshow, 'Body & Soul'.
Sending you blessings and wishes that you will continue to learn, laugh and love lots!
Farewell and welcome to the start of a new season in The Living Room come next Monday!
God bless!
Hi Stan,
It's been a pleasure to listen to you and Pam. Will surely miss you.. Take care..
Hi Stan,
Thank you for inviting our artist, Mr Ngim on air this Aug. We are quite amazed by the depth of your understanding on his art concept. Both you and Pam are very professional in hosting. Well done.
May the Lord continue to bless you in your career.
Wan Lee
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