I discussed this with Justine (Moss) when we came on air, and just as I was contemplating the physics of sitting down in one of these dresses, Justine cracks me up by saying, "When the wind blows, the girls may just fly away..." Now I must tell you I'm a very visual person, so that image of models floating away in their balloon dresses never quite left me the rest of the show.
Anyway, it was just entertaining to entertain the thought of a fashion show with professional models strutting down the runway in balloon gowns. Ed Chee, a celebrity judge and multiple award-winning balloon sculptor from the US, tells me that the dresses are made with "woven" balloons, almost like they were fabric. Of course, that didn't quite register in my brain, but I'll take your word for it, Ed!
Oh, wait! See this balloon? Ed twisted it for me after the show, in just a matter of minutes. That's supposed to be... you guessed it, ME!!! Man, I sure look gorgeous as a balloon! *wink*
Anyway, "Balloon Runway" happens this Sat 29 Nov, 7.30pm @ Foyer of Downtown East. Admission is free. So do go down and catch this eye-poppin' show for yourself ~ you've gotta see it to believe it!
(L to R): Pearlyn Tam, Brenda Eng, me, Ed Chee and "Uncle David" Tan.
1 comment:
Hi Pam,
Thanks again for having us on the show. Not sure if you ever made it to the show Saturday night; if you didn't (or if you'd just like to see pictures of the event), drop me a note and I'll get them out to you! You can reach me at EdChee@DiamondStorm.com.
Warmest regards,
Ed Chee, CBA
DiamondStorm Inc.
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